Monday, March 28, 2011

Birth & Baby - The Most Essential Item For Your Bag When Going to the Hospital For Your Baby's Birth

Packing Your Bag For The Birth

This is one of the milestones in pregnancy. And apart from items like baby-grows, baby blankets, pads etc., there is one essential that is most often overlooked when preparing for birth.

A 'must bring' to the hospital and something that will support you and your baby enormously even before the birth is an open mind.

Sometimes we really desire the birth to happen in a certain way. Maybe you really want a certain person to be there or an epidural. Or perhaps are very resistant to cesarean (like I was).

Birth and the Law of Attraction

When you are strongly attached to a particular way of giving birth you might actually be working against yourself in terms of the Law of Attraction. One of the essential ingredients in harnessing the Law of Attraction is assuming that what you have requested from the universe has been heard and is being delivered.

If you feel you have to fight to make something happen or to ensure that it doesn't occur, you are not in the place of allowing and trust that lines you up with what you really want.

Be really clear about what is most important to you (e.g. a safe, empowering birth) and allow the universe to work out the details. How that happens might indeed be different to how you had imagined your baby's birth but you will get the results you want nonetheless.

My Cesarean Birth Story

I tried with all my might to avoid cesarean with my twin girls. Because I was giving it so much attention, we had a cesarean!! It could have been much more joyful if I had been had opened my mind to the possibility that cesarean could actually be the a safe, gentle and magical experience for my babies.

ANYTHING is possible.

So in your hospital bag... or better still in your head and heart...bring an open mind and let the universe to it's job in co-creating a magical beginning for your baby in birth.
Deirdre Morris would like to invite you to join her Free Monthly Teleseminars 'Pregnancy Success With The Law of Attraction'. Support YOUR Pregnancy Success and sign up now at

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